The Finnish milk chain operates now totally without soya. Member farms of the biggest co-operative Valio started to use completely soya free feeds in March 2018. Arla Finland followed in July of the same year. Now the whole milk chain uses only soya free feeds, even in calves‘ starter feeds, which were the last ones where soya was replaced by other protein sources. In the late 1980’s soybean imports into Finland were regulated. At that time rapeseed was used as protein source in feeds because soya was expensive and there was not enough soya for every farm. Popularity of rapeseed was boosted by Finnish studies during 80’s and 90’s. When comparing the effects of soybean and rapeseed, it was noticed that the milk production was better with rapeseed than with soya. Compared to soybean also the amino acid composition of rapeseed proved superior in Finnish studies of dairy cow feeding.