In Sweden in the milk-recording year September 2017 – August 2018 2427 farms were with 222299 cows milk recording. This was 130 farms less and 5500 cows less than in the previous year. Of the recorded cows was 56.3 percent Swedish Friesian and 34.5 percent was Swedish Red-and-White. Average production of Swedish Friesian was 10351 kilogram milk with 4.08 percent fat and 3.46 percent protein. Average production of Swedish Red-and-White was 9153 kg with 4.36 percent fat and 3.62 percent protein. Of all Swedish cows average production was 9827 kg milk with 4.19 percent fat and 3.54 percent protein. In the previous year this was 9801 kg milk with 4.24 percent fat and 3.54 percent protein.