Germany had in May 2023 a number of 51674 dairy farms. This is 3.7 percent less than one year before. Average they kept 73 cows which was two more than one year before. Together Germany had 3.78 million dairy cows which was 1.1 percent less than one year before. The number of farms that kept 100 to 199 cows or more was about the same as one year before:7633. The number of farms with one to nine cows was still 8082 (-/-2.6%), the number of 10-19 was 5349 (-/- 7.9%), 20-49: 13513 (-/- 6.8%); 50-99: 14036 (-/- 2.6%); 200 and more: 3062 (+2.3%); 499 and more: 598 (+3.5%).