In Holland the by the French headquartered private dairy Lactalis owned cheese producer, Leerdammer stops producing milk under VLOG conditions. Important conditions for meeting the VLOG standard are that participating dairy farmers give their cows feed that is free from gene technology. Also, the dairy processor has to guarantee that VLOG milk is processed in a separate milk stream. Dairy farms that produce according to the VLOG standard receive an extra reward on their milk of one cent per kilogram when the cows are year round inside and 1.25 cent when the cows are at least 120 days a year on pasture. This rewards will stop in September 2023. Lactalis states it stops producing VLOG milk because consumers put less emphasis on non-GMO products as in the past but put more emphasis on animal welfare. Also the production costs of VLOG milk are too high which would result in a too high consumer price of VLOG milk compare to regular milk.