In Sweden calculated in milk equivalents, the self-sufficiency rate of milk in 2022 was in 72 percent. The self-sufficiency rate is decreasing since 1995 already. After a rather quick drop in milk production measured as milk delivered to dairies during the first decade of the new millennium the drop has ceded from an average reduction over ten years of 1.4 percent per annum to 0,3 per cent. With the reduction in consumption over that time the self-sufficiency rate has stabilised. For 2022 a number of 2800 dairy farmers with 297000 cows and an average milk production per cow of 9324 kilogram ECM (ECM: energy-corrected milk, taking into account the fat and protein content) delivered 2765 million kilogram milk. That was sufficient to cover a little over 100 percent of the milk consumption, 100 percent of the cream consumption, (high fat and reduced), 80 percent of the consumption of fermented milk products, 70 percent of the consumption of butter but hardly 40 percent of the consumption of cheese. There is great volatility between various products, not only due to changing production and consumption but among other things also because of storable bulk goods are traded on the world market. Other reasons are that the products are produced at varying rates from year to year depending on whether there is a surplus or shortage of milk raw materials, and that the dairy cooperative Arla, which is the main dairy in Sweden, has a so-called carousel trade within the company’s facilities in various countries.