In the United Kingdom despite record global sign up to Veganuary this year, consumer appetite for vegan products fell short this January with a decline in retail volume sales of both meat-free and dairy-free alternatives. Analysis show over a million fewer households bought meat-free products compared to last January, and 280000 fewer households bought dairy-free. This drop in households purchasing alternatives led to a fall in year-on-year volumes with meat-free sales falling by 12.9 percent and 2.6 percent for dairy-free, in the first three weeks of January 2023. At the start of the month seven percent of shoppers said they were committed to taking part in the annual event, encouraged by heavy instore promotions and an array of new product offers. By mid-month as many as 70 percent had returned to their normal diets, with 40 percent claiming it was too expensive. This softening in demand is not new to 2023, there has been overall volume decline in the last 12 months for both dairy and meat alternatives.