German exported in 2020 a volume of 1.3 million tonnes cheese which was 2.7 percent more than in 2019. Of the total export 1.08 million tonnes was exported to other EU-countries. This volume increased 1.67 percent. Export to non-EU countries increased 8.5 percent to 222000 tonnes. Of this went 27000 tonnes to Japan, an increase of 27 percent. Export of butter to other EU countries was in 2020 about the same as in 2019 but export to non-EU countries fell 20 percent. Butter export fell most to the United Arab Emirates (from 6000 to 675 tonnes), to Japan (from 2000 to 530 tonnes) and to the USA (from 1000 to 500 tonnes). Export of skimmed milk powder (smk) fell 10 percent to 368000 tonnes.