Austria had in 2019 28200 milk sheep which was 0.6 percent less than in 2018. Average milk production was 432 kilogram which was 3.4 percent less than in 2018. Together they produced 12200 tons of milk which was four percent less than in 2018. Of this 9900 tons (80.9 %) was used for human consumption and 2200 tons (18.1 %) was fed to animals and one percent was booked as lost.
Austria had in 2019 a number of 39000 milk goats which was one percent more than in 2018. Together they produced 26500 tons of milk which was 1.6 percent more than in 2018. Average milk production was 680 kilogram (+0.6%). Of the total production of 26500 tons 23700 tons (89.5%) was used for human consumption and 2500 tons or 9.5 percent was fed to animals.