Scotland: research on daffodil flowers decreasing methan emission

In Scotland researchers of the Rural College have discovered that an extract of daffodil flowers called haemanthamine in vitro can decrease methane emission from cows up to 95 percent. They expect that in practise the extract that is can decrease methane emission about one third.

UK: two new solar parks for Arla

In the United Kingdom the Denmark headquartered dairy cooperative Arla, which daughter Arla UK is the UK’s largest dairy cooperative, in partnership with ENGIE and Infinis, has announced the signing of two new solar parks which will supply around 20 percent of the energy needed to power Arla’s entire UK operation from renewable sources.

UK: Arla signed contract with ASDA

In the United Kingdom the Denmark headquartered dairy cooperative Arla which daughter Arla UK is the UK’s largest dairy cooperative has signed a new, four-year contract with ASDA, one of the leading supermarkets. The new contract which runs for four years until 2027, will see Arla continue to be ASDA’s strategic dairy partner supplying their private label milk, cream, cheese, and butter. During this period Arla farmer owners will supply over three billion (10*9) litres of milk utilised across the product range – a deal which is the UK’s largest private label dairy contract.

Denmark: new cheese culture developed by DTU

In Denmark the technical university DTU has developed a new cheese culture that can be used to produce an aged cheese in half the time. A cheese culture has the task of producing lactic acid and ripening enzymes. The ripening enzymes are found inside the lactic acid bacteria and are normally released slowly during the cheese ripening period. The problem with existing solutions is that this process takes place slowly and only partially. The DTU Food Institute has developed a culture which releases all ripening enzymes at once, which results in faster ripening. The culture can be used like any other cheese culture, and requires no other equipment than what is already in the dairies. The method, which is 100 percent natural, represents a new way of thinking about dairy production, according to DTU.

Denmark: Arla rewards farmers

The Denmark headquartered dairy cooperative Arla rewards starting August farmers who are taking action to reduce their carbon footprint through a new sustainability incentive model. This point-based system rewards past and future climate and environmental sustainability activities. For every activity the farmer can collect points if they meet specific criteria. Each point that the farmer achieves will bring 0.03 eurocent per kilogram of milk they deliver to Arla. Activities with the biggest improvement potential trigger the most points. Farmers can currently score a maximum of 80 points. The model is designed to reward farmers with up to three eurocents per kilo milk from the model plus one eurocent per kilogram milk for taking part in the annual climate check as part of their monthly milk payment.

Sweden: structural change in the dairy sector

In Sweden over the past 30 years eight of ten dairy farmers have stopped farming, the remaining farms have and are becoming larger. Milk production per cow has increased but the national milk production has decreased by 20 percent. Researchers from several disciplines will investigate which indicators have contributed to the structural change in the Swedish dairy sector to learn from the past and create opportunities for a sustainable future for the Swedish dairy industry.

Sweden: new regulations for storing of cheese

In Sweden it is now allowed again for food businesses to store cheese according to traditional methods in, for example, underground cellars and caves. In Sweden, underground cellars, caves and similar spaces have traditionally been used for storing cheese. In this type of maturation storage, the cheeses acquire a special character that cannot be achieved in other storage conditions. Since 2004 this was hardly possible because of governmental regulations. New regulations have made it easier.

Austria: more dairy farms participate in milk production control

In Austria a number of 18000 dairy farms with 437000 cows participate in milk production control. That is 83.7 percent of the dairy farms. Last year, the number of participating farms decreased by 370 and the number of cows that are checked increased by 1607. In Austria, milk production control is carried out by eight organisations.

Preise für Milchpulver und Molkenpulver vom 23. August

Die Milchanlieferung in Deutschland folgt weiter dem saisonal üblichen Verlauf und nimmt von Woche zu Woche ab. Laut Schnellberichterstattung der ZMB wurden in 32. Woche 0,7 % weniger Milch als in der vorangegangenen Woche und noch 1,3 % mehr als in der Vorjahreswoche erfasst. In Frankreich hat sich der Rückstand gegenüber der Vorjahreslinie zuletzt auf 1,2 % verringert.
Die Lage am Markt für flüssigen Rohstoff stellt sich stabil dar. Für Magermilchkonzentrat lassen sich stabile und für Industrierahm etwas festere Preise erzielen.
Am Markt für Magermilchpulver sind die Aktivitäten recht ruhig und in den letzten Tagen teilweise wieder abwartender geworden als in den zwei Wochen zuvor. Es zeichnen sich inzwischen aber stärkere Abrufe der bestehenden Kontrakte ab. Die Industrie ist teilweise wieder als Käufer für kurz- und mittelfristige Lieferungen aufgetreten. Zuletzt sind außerdem verstärkt Anfragen für Termine im ersten Halbjahr 2024 zum aktuellen Preisniveau eingegangen. Auf Seiten der Hersteller besteht zu diesen Konditionen aber keine Verkaufsbereitschaft, da sich die Lage im Laufe der nächsten Monate wieder ändern kann. Am Weltmarkt ist die Nachfrage aus China, aber auch aus anderen asiatischen Ländern derzeit zurückhaltend. Das Angebot stellt sich je nach Anbieter weiterhin uneinheitlich dar, woraus auch eine unterschiedliche Abgabebereitschaft und eine gewisse Uneinheitlichkeit der Preise resultiert. Die Erlöse für Lebensmittelware bewegen sich weiter auf dem Niveau der Vorwochen und in einer vergleichsweise weiten Preisspanne. Futtermittelware hat sich weiter etwas befestigt. Bei Vollmilchpulver bieten sich trotz der insgesamt ruhigen Nachfrage einige Absatzmöglichkeit innerhalb Europas. Am Weltmarkt hat sich die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von EU-Ware zuletzt bei schwachen Preissignalen aus Neuseeland weiter verringert, so dass kaum Standardware für die Export gehandelt wird. Die Preise sind uneinheitlich und bei Ware, die auftragsbezogen produziert wird, weiter fest. Am Markt für Molkenpulver besteht weiter ein ausreichendes Angebot. Bei Lebensmittelware hat die Verkaufsbereitschaft zugenommen und die Preise tendieren etwas schwächer, zumal besondere Nachfrageimpulse zuletzt ausgeblieben sind. Bei Futtermittelware sind die Käufer wieder etwas stärker in den Markt zurückgekommen und es sind leicht festere Tendenzen bei einem aber weiterhin schwachen Preisniveau festzustellen. Das Angebot an Molkenkonzentrat ist weiterhin umfangreich bei vergleichsweise niedrigen Preisen. (Süddeutsche Butter- und Käse-Börse e.V. Kempten (Allgäu)/proplanta)

Austria: figures regarding sheep and goats milk in 2022

In Austria in 2022 a number of 28600 milk sheep (- 0.9%) produced average 408 kilogram milk (+9.1%). Of the production 10200 tonnes or 87.1 percent was used for human consumption and 1400 tonnes (11.9%) was fed to animals and one percent was spoiled. Source: Statistics Austria
In Austria in 2022 a number of 40400 (+2.5%) milk goats with an average production of 647 (-4.0%) kilogram milk produced a total volume of 26100 (-1.6%) tonnes milk. Of this 90.4 percent was used for human consumption and 8.6 percent was used for animal feed or other purposes. Source: Statistics Austria

Austria: figures regarding cow milk 2022

Austrian cows produced in 2022 a volume of 3.9 million tonnes milk. This was 2.9 percent more than in 2021. Average milk production was with 7300 kilogram the same as in 2021. Of the produced milk 88.8 percent (+2.9%) was processed in dairies, 6.6 percent was fed to animals on the farm of origin and 3.6 percent was processed and or consumed on the farm of origin. Source: Statistics Austria

Austria: sheep killed by wolf – farmer blamed

In Austria the “association against animal factories” has reported a farmer for the second time because he had kept his animals on the high pasture alps and some sheep were then killed by a wolf. The accusation is that farm animals are no longer suited to be kept in free nature and are therefore vulnerable to predators. Not a wolf is to blame for the killing sheep but rather human neglect, according to the association.

Germany: ife data June/May

In Germany in June compared to May 2023 the raw material or compound value of milk at farm increased 0.6 eurocent to 37.0 eurocent per kilogram milk with 4.0 percent fat and 3.4 percent protein (exclusive VAT). This is 28.8 eurocent less than in the same month one year before. The highest future price of milk for the next 18 months on the Kieler Börsenmilchwert European Energy Exchange is the price for January 2025 at 44.2 eurocent. The lowest future price is the price for August 2023 at 36.6 eurocent.

Germany: Schwarzwaldmilch acquired Landliebe

In Germany the dairy cooperative Schwarzwaldmilch has acquired the license to manufacture and sell Landliebe fresh mixed milk drinks and Landliebe fresh milk in glass bottles. Landliebe is a main brand in Germany. The private dairy Müller took the brand name Landliebe and other brand names last year over from the Holland headquartered dairy cooperative Royal FrieslandCampina. The German cartel office required that Müller gave the brand licenses for Landliebe to a competitor.

Germany: Emmi divests the Gläserne Molkerei

In Germany the Switzerland headquartered private manufacturer of dairy products Emmi is divesting the Gläserne Molkerei, a northeast German-based company specialising in the production of regional organic dairy products, to Mutares with headquarters in the German Munich. The transaction is consistent with Emmi’s ongoing portfolio transformation and focus on profitable strategic markets and niches such as ready-to-drink coffee, speciality cheeses, premium chilled desserts and plant-based dairy alternatives, according to Emmi. The Gläserne Molkerei generated sales of around 100 million euro with over 120 employees in 2022.

Germany: dairy related figures May 2023


Germany had in May 2023 a number of 51674 dairy farms. This is 3.7 percent less than one year before. Average they kept 73 cows which was two more than one year before. Together Germany had 3.78 million dairy cows which was 1.1 percent less than one year before. The number of farms that kept 100 to 199 cows or more was about the same as one year before:7633. The number of farms with one to nine cows was still 8082 (-/-2.6%), the number of 10-19 was 5349 (-/- 7.9%), 20-49: 13513 (-/- 6.8%); 50-99: 14036 (-/- 2.6%); 200 and more: 3062 (+2.3%); 499 and more: 598 (+3.5%).